8400K Digital Optical Micrometer Kit

An Essential Part of a Complete Maintenance Arsenal.

Optical Digital Micrometer

The 8400K Optical Micrometer

is a portable inspection microscope with depth measurement capability. It quickly and accurately measures the depth of scratches, fractures, cracks, crazing, corrosion pits, scribe lines, and other surface damage. The Optical Micrometer is easy to operate and requires no special training or expertise. It is durable, portable, can be easily calibrated in-house, and has no shelf life concerns.

The Micrometer can be used on flat or curved surfaces, metals, plastics, composites, painted or chemically treated finishes, and transparencies. The Micrometer is capable of magnifications of 40X – 200X with depth measurements at an accuracy of +/- 0.001”.

Take the Guesswork out of Visual Inspection


Depth measurements are obtained by measuring the distance between two points on different focal planes. The user simply focuses on the undamaged surface next to the top of the damaged area (Surface A) to establish a zero reference point, then focuses on the lowest point of the damaged area (Surface B), and reads the depth from the digital display.


In a cost-conscious environment, maintainers are under more pressure than ever to keep parts in service. Proper defect classification has a huge impact on resources, readiness and safety, so obtaining accurate measurements quickly and reducing inspection discrepancies is critical. The ability to make fast, reliable and repeatable measurements of surface damage presents a significant opportunity for cost savings by maximizing part life cycles.

How the digital micrometer works