On-Board Health Usage & Monitoring Systems

Improves Aircraft Flight Safety & Mission Reliability


Hums On-Board VXP System

The Honeywell Chadwick-Helmuth’s VXP Health Monitoring System represents more than 50 years of experience and is one of the latest in the Honeywell Health & Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) product lines. It is the most advanced Aviation Vibration Health Monitoring System available on the market and represents a merging of On-Board System and Ground-Based Technologies.

Honeywell Chadwick-Helmuth’s VXP is fully certified and available via STC’s and PMA’s and not only meets the current regulatory requirements but also has provisions to support future HUMS functions. In addition, the system enhances safety through early detection of mechanical faults preventing catastrophic failures. The VXP provides a dramatic reduction in maintenance man-hours, maximum flexibility, and the latest advancements in technology, system growth, low costs, proven reliability and existing Honeywell world-renowned customer support.

Honeywell Chadwick-Helmuth On-Board VXP Benefits/Features:

  • Light weight and quick download (30 seconds)
  • On-Board vibration diagnostics to provide actionable maintenance information at the aircraft
  •  Continuous monitoring without human intervention versus “snap shot” data collection
  • Integrated Rotor Track and Balance Data to provide the most advanced T&B solution with expanded Smart Chart™ technology
  • Comprehensive ground support software tools available for flight crews, maintainers, and engineers with capabilities to interface with operators’ maintenance system
typical hums model used in helicopters, model VXP

HUMS Onboard Model VXP